Little Flower Hut at the Venue for F1 Singapore Grand Prix 2019

The much-awaited 2019 F1 Singapore Grand Prix event has just ended. It was packed with exciting highlights of unbelievable racing and entertainment, as well as the amazing venue at the Marina Bay Street Circuit. Fans and the whole team of competing teams also enjoyed the awe-inspiring skyscrapers of Marina Bay Sands and Singapore Flyer for the backdrop. In addition to that, the entire street was flooded with lights that looked spectacular whether viewed from afar or within the venue



History of the Poinsettia

There are several occasion symbols and traditions that have become ingrained in our lifestyle and at times it appears as a riddle when we start thinking of where they started from. Along with Christmas trees, the poinsettia always pops up when one thinks of holiday plants for December’s celebrations. Its history, particularly how it ended up in the United States and linked with Christmas, is interesting doubtlessly. The plant thrived in the Southern part of Mexico. The native people, Aztecs used this plant a lot. They got a purple dye from poinsettia’s bracts and used it in beauty products and materials. The white sap, which is known as latex today, was used as a fever treatment.


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Facts About Succulent Plants and Succulent Care

Things You Should Know about Succulents

Succulents which are also known as desert plants are becoming popular these days. These plants are said to store water through their thick and fleshy leaves. You can see succulents in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors that definitely looks beautiful when taken care of properly. Though cactus is also a desert plant, it is different from succulents. Cactuses are known for their prickle features that you cannot see in most succulents.



Can I Use Regular Potting Soil for Orchids?

You may have heard from an experienced florist or a gardener that orchids are one of the toughest plants to take care of. This is true in some cases, but there are orchids that are relatively easy to take care of. If you are planning to take care of orchids, you may be tempted to use a potting mix, especially for the indoor ones. You can do that, of course, but you should know what type of potting mix is suitable for your orchids.





Flower That Last The Longest Singapore

The American plant of the daisy family is widely cultivated for its bright and eye-catching red flowers. True to its emblem, it symbolizes endurance and has been rightly named as the number one longest lasting flower because of it can last a total of 24 days. Howbeit, the water must be changed every two days.


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All about Begonia – History, Meaning, Facts, Care & More

The flowers of Begonia are large with both the male and female flowers occurring together in one same plant. The male flower contains numerous stamens while the female has the ovary and up to four stigmas that are usually branched or twisted. Despite having numerous species, there are plenty of hybrids and variations of Begonia. This is because many collectors and cultivars love its appeal.

GUIDE: Can You Refuse Flower Delivery?

There is nothing worse than having the flowers delivered late on a special occasion or event. If you are planning for a big surprise using magnificent flower bouquets and arrangements, and yet the flowers arrived late, refusing it could be one of your options. It is the florist’s responsibility to see to it that the flowers arrive on time even if it is the courier that handles the delivery.
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